

Snyk is a security tool for modern applications, focused on helping developers find and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers.

Use it when :

  • - You want to secure your applications and prevent security breaches.
  • - You want to easily find and fix vulnerabilities in open source libraries and containers.
  • - You want to automate security testing and integrate it into your CI/CD pipeline.
  • - You want to enforce security policies and compliance requirements.
  • - You want to monitor your applications and receive alerts for newly discovered vulnerabilities.
  • - You want to have visibility into your dependencies and their security status.

Consider :

  • - Some advanced features may require a paid subscription.
  • - Integration with certain tools or platforms may require additional setup or configuration.
  • - Snyk focuses primarily on open source libraries and containers, so it may not be as effective for securing custom code or proprietary software.